Author: John Guilfoyle

Happy Friday everyone! I do hope you are out enjoying this brief blast of sunny mild weather. I think the forecast is for wet & sloppy again starting tomorrow…so let’s revel in this blessing before we have the other one! As we move into preparing for worship,...

Hi y’all I do hope you are managing to stay warm & dry this week. I felt truly blessed with two days of sunshine. Might be a bit before we see that again in any quantity. But I do hope to see you Sunday in some way...

Welcome to Friday y’all! Another week and another extension to the health/safety restrictions that are hoped will manage the persistent virus flare up in the greater Sydney area. Well…we’re still living with the limits to which we’ve grown too accustomed. 1 person/4sqm inside – We’re seating about...

Hi everybody! Well…we’re about at the halfway point in the current round of restrictions from the latest virus flare-up. Thank you to everyone who’s working so hard to make worship happen faithfully & safely and to everyone who has been working the phones & popping in to...