

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is the centre of who we are and what we do at LWF. He is the prophet/teacher who lived 2000 years ago, and God’s Son, whose life, death and resurrection have opened the way for us to have a Father-child relationship with the Creator. Jesus’ teachings have relevance today because they deal with the core issues of what it means to be human, with all the highs and lows that come with being who we are. If you’d like to know more about Jesus click here.
In the Christian faith, one of the most succinct, yet comprehensive, statements about Jesus comes from the Apostle’s Creed:
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our LORD, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell. On the third day he rose again and he ascended into heaven, seated at the right hand of God, the almighty Father, from where he will come to judge the living and the dead.
Martin Luther provides an explanation of what this means in his small catechism:
I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father in eternity, and also a true human being, born of the Virgin Mary, is my LORD. He has redeemed me, a lost and condemned human being. He has purchased and freed me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, not with gold or silver but with his holy, precious blood and with his innocent suffering and death. He has done all this in order that I may belong to him, live under him in his kingdom, and serve him in eternal righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as he is risen from the dead and lives and rules eternally. This is most certainly true.

What is the Gospel?

The Gospel literally means “Good News”. It is the good news about who Jesus is and what he has done for us in his life, death and resurrection. The core message of the Gospel is summed up in this verse from the Bible:  “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).
The Good News is that God loves us. He created us so that we could have a personal relationship with him. But without Jesus we are destined to “perish”. Why is that and how can this be part of the Good News of the Gospel? The answer is that human beings have rebelled against God. Each of us thinks we know better how to run our own life and we are either ambivalent or outright hostile to the God who has made us. The consequence of rebellion is to be forever estranged from God, his love and goodness.
The Good News in all of this is that God has not left us on our own. He has provided us a way back to a loving, personal relationship with him. He has done this through sending his son Jesus, to carry the consequences of our acts of ambivalence or rebellion, and to replace these with a new life that starts now and lasts for all eternity.
Life in Jesus is true life. New meaning and purpose come to us as we grow in our relationship with God our Father and his son Jesus. That is Good News indeed!

How do I find out more?

If you have any questions about anything on our website, we’d love to hear from you. Maybe you have a lot of questions:
  • who is Jesus and why do people follow him in the 21st century?
  • isn’t Christianity just for good people? (that’s an easy one – the answer is “No” it is for everyone!)
  • why do you call yourselves “Living Water Fellowship”?
  • what do you believe and can it be trusted?


Also if you are in need of assistance, please let us know and we will find a way to help out.