Our Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan




Offering opportunities to gather, sharing Jesus and life together

Create social activities that provide opportunities for people to build and strengthen relationships.

Create positive food experiences to bring people together and build community.



  • LWF will create opportunities that foster a sense of belonging and
    welcome whenever the congregation gathers. Including:

    • Morning teas, Breakfasts, other meals &
    • Special events.
  • LWF will communicate upcoming events using both traditional and
    digital means. This will include:

    • Emails
    • Social media
    • Website and
    • Mailouts
  • LWF will work to improve the welcoming of people into the church.
  • LWF will develop activities that foster congregational fellowship

    • Bonfires and camp-outs
    • Family picnic days
    • Games nights
    • Bush walks
    • Movie nights
    • Bush dance
    • Progressive dinners


drawing people into a vibrant experience of God’s presence

  • Create an environment that allows people to worship in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Foster a culture of lifelong musical participation in worship.
  • Engage children at their level in the life and family of Christ
  • Foster congregational involvement in making worship happen.



  • LWF will provide training and support for members taking on new roles in worship.
  • LWF will develop clear written instructions and training for music and service setup.
  • LWF musicians and band worship leaders will develop a rehearsal process and collaborative practice to support music in worship.
  • LWF will explore new ways to sing and pray in worship including the use of drama.
  • LWF will engage its young people and children in worship leadership and music.

Spiritual Growth

Engaging and equipping people to grow in God’s grace

  • Provide opportunities for intentional exploration of God’s word among His people
  • Encourage and nourish people in all stages of their faith journey as disciples of Jesus



  • LWF will facilitate a mens’ group meeting at least twice each year.
  • LWF will develop avenues for the creation of small groups for teens and young adults.
  • LWF will continue to serve children through Living Water Kids.
  • LWF will develop further leadership resources for children’s ministry.
  • LWF will explore additional children’s ministry opportunities.
  • LWF will connect with other ministries to support the Spiritual Growth of LWF members.
  • LWF will explore ways to support people with limited means to attend ministry events.


Going in God’s power to show His love to the world


  • Equipping people to share and live out their faith in Christ
  • Intentionally engaging the wider community in ways that demonstrate God’s love through Jesus Christ
  • Flexibly responding to opportunities to serve beyond ourselves



  • LWF will partner with community groups to widen our service scope
  • LWF will actively fund raise to help community organisations their ministry goals
  • LWF will actively invite people to its activities through a range of media and promotional tools
  • LWF will provide members with access to training for working with vulnerable members of the community

Congregational Care

Showing God’s love through caring for the Living Water family

  • Identifying and appropriately supporting people in need
  • Linking people together to foster a culture of belonging in which all members are responsible for each other.



  • LWF will identify and follow up with people who are missing from weekly worship
  • LWF will develop strategies for identifying and supporting people finding it difficult to engage in worship.
  • LWF will support confidential conversations with the Pastor regarding people in need.
  • LWF will actively develop additional leaders to lead care teams.
  • LWF care teams will develop clear procedures/guidelines and training to support others.
  • LWF will provide informal care at key points in people’s lives.

Resource Stewardship

Supporting Living Water’s vision through the management of its resources

  • Manage our God given resources in an accountable, responsible and transparent manner
  • Foster an environment where the members of LWF are collectively responsible for the church’s resources
  • Provide resources to enable the operational functions of the church.
  • Plan for the future resource needs of LWF
  • Effectively communicate both internally and externally to ensure all interested parties remain appropriately informed



  • LWF will build member awareness of how to be involved.
  • LWF will develop ways to distribute administrative tasks across the congregation.
  • LWF will improve communication about church administrative matters
  • LWF will encourage volunteers and provide clear opportunities and processes for them
  • LWF will create an easily understood administrative role descriptions and task lists.
  • LWF will provide the congregation with quarterly budget updates
  • LWF will develop succession planning strategies for its leadership roles.
  • LWF will work to foster a culture of intentional giving and create more clear targets for congressional generosity