Author: John Guilfoyle

Welcome to Friday y’all…the gateway for the weekend! You won’t find a more action-packed 3 days (besides Maundy Thursday Good Friday & Easter) than this weekend! Fasten your seat belts!   TONIGHT – Friday – 29th April – 7:00 p.m. Intellect w/ Dr Paul Prenzler @ the Fairfax Centre, St. Martin’s...

Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! There is no greater call & response in the church than those two sentences. What a joy it was to celebrate together Sunday morning under the bright light of the empty tomb. Thank you again to everyone who played...

That’s an interesting thought…is this week “almost holy” or is next week “Holy Week” & we are “almost” into it? Think about that for a minute… I meant that next week is Holy Week & we are almost there…because every week is holy now that Christ...

Blessed Wednesday y’all! Yes…Ziggy the possum is back with us this Sunday! What a scamp he is but it’s another invitation that you just don’t want to miss. So…grab a friend & their kids & join us this Sunday for worship.   Also…before you get to Sunday…you’re invited to...

Is it really Thursday?!?!? Where did the first half of this week go????? Well…let’s not dance around…let’s get going here! Bible Study Catch-up Friday, 18th March, 1:00 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 811 7686 7898     ---  THIS WEEK…Luke 6:1-11 (I promise I have the right text this time) If...

Welcome to the weekend y’all! Looking forward to seeing all of you this Sunday when our guests from Compassion are with us to celebrate the great partnership in ministry we share with them. Remember…we’re practicing resilience & adaptability & how to adjust to the ever-adjusting world...

Well…it has been an interesting & wonderful week so far…except for my car, but that’s another story… I was invited to “preach” & Commission the Staff & Student Leaders at the Christian College yesterday. What a real privilege…sharing the good news with all those folks from...

Lent has begun. Lent is when we intentionally say with Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. And see if there is in me the worship of false gods, and lead me in the way everlasting.   That’s a tough prayer…but...