Happy Hump Day! (9th March)

Happy Hump Day! (9th March)

Well…it has been an interesting & wonderful week so far…except for my car, but that’s another story…

I was invited to “preach” & Commission the Staff & Student Leaders at the Christian College yesterday. What a real privilege…sharing the good news with all those folks from pre-school on up. It was a real challenge because in line with some on-going virus-prevention measures, they did their Commissioning Service 3 times; once for their Junior, Middle, & Senior schools. So I had to tailor my message on the fly for each specific age-range of students & still say something coherent to the teachers. You’d have to talk to someone from out there to see if I made any sense or said something useful. I know I enjoyed it and have a great admiration for the team out there. I’m pretty awe-struck by anyone who steps onto a school campus every day to teach or help or administrate or clean…Schools serve such crucial role in our world & the work in the education environment seems to get more challenging with each passing year and each new cultural spasm we experience. Pray for our schools. You might just shift the axis of the world toward the good & beautiful & true.

We’re Zoom-ing again this Friday, 11th March @ 1:00 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting (click that link & I’ll let you in from the digital virtual waiting room)


Meeting ID: 811 7686 7898    Luke 6:1-11 from this Sunday.


Speaking of this Sunday…Compassion Celebration Sunday! We’ll be hearing from Stephen Gilmour (& his family will be with us) about how the $682 we offered last week in our GBO makes a huge difference to Nguna & his family & how our gifts literally save & transform lives around the world. Be there…and maybe use this week to invite a friend who wouldn’t normally be in worship. Let them see that Christians are in this world for good & that the gospel is a driving force for the blessing of this world. Don’t miss it!


Oh…and about my car…My poor old Honda (it’s the same age as my middle daughter & was for a time the possession of our Living Water sister living in eternity now) has acquired an oil leak of some significant proportions. So…it’s visiting the mechanic today & let’s hope only today. We’ll see. I reckon praying for our machinery is acceptable…so if you have a minute…please bless the Honda. I used to watch the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Houston-Galveston Diocese bless the shrimp fleet every year. I probably won’t anoint the Honda with Holy Water like the Bishop did the shrimp boats…it’s anointed itself & my driveway with oil pretty well already. 😉

Ok…that’s enough. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you Friday on-line, & Sunday in worship.

Be enormously bold in trusting God this week & listening for his direction in your moving around our city. He’s sure to take you to someone who needs his compassionate grace from you.



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