Author: John Guilfoyle

Ok…I have a question…just one… What happened to January? Where did it go? Did someone take January while I wasn’t watching or just what? I remember precisely where I was on January 1st 2023…Sam & Tara’s wedding…beautiful setting at the Attunga Christian Camp outside Canyonleigh, NSW....

Happy Tuesday again y’all! (or Wednesday actually…got a bit delayed today) As I noted Sunday, there’s no Zoom Bible Study this Friday because I’ll be at the CrossLink Annual Gathering…but there are a couple of things to lift up and something to think about over the...

Happy Hump Day Y’all! Ok…so I know that Wednesday is not always & everywhere in Australia referred to as “hump day,” that middle of the week day where it’s “downhill” from here to the weekend…but I used to love laughing at the GEICO Insurance Company’s Camel…and...

Happy Birthday? Well…yes…it’s a two-fold greeting. Exactly 10 years ago this week, Living Water Fellowship received approval from the Office of Fair Trading & the Australian Tax Office that we could legally collect & distribute funds as an incorporated body. Although we didn’t formally...

Hi everybody! Yes I know the New Year is already 6 days old…but I wasn’t here to say it before today. So…my prayer from where I was, was that your entry into 2023 would be richly blessed. Mine was…I spent New Year’s Eve with our family including...

Well…it’s not quite Christmas…but I can see it on the horizon! I always find it interesting that the world around us, whether they know any of the scantest of details about the glory, joy & importance of the Incarnation, still acknowledge & celebrate “Christmas.” My new Sikh...

Happy Tuesday y’all! Well…our journey toward Christmas is being filled with many things…some are awesome & some quite challenging… Let’ see what’s up so far…   Our regularly scheduled Zoom Bible Study Catch-up is ON! This one’s in the “awesome” basket…it’d be even awesome-r if you joined us! Friday...

All weddinged out and ready for whatever God brings to us next. SO…let’s get to it! Zoom Bible Studies are back this Friday! Zoom Bible Study Catch-Up Friday - 9 December 2022 @ 1:00 PM  Join Zoom Meeting -  --  Meeting ID: 880 2219 4499 Thank you....

I do hope you’ve got the hatches battened down in this wind…and maybe even your warm socks close by because I hear it’s going to get chilly again tonight. Also…do keep the flooding parts of our state & country in your prayers. We all know someone...

Blessed Sunday to you all! As you read this I’m working diligently with our partners in the gospel @ LifeWay on our combined worship plan for 2023. Pastor Schultz & I have worked together for more than a decade sharing our resources and prayers to lead...