Let Christmas Begin!

Let Christmas Begin!

Well…it’s not quite Christmas…but I can see it on the horizon!

I always find it interesting that the world around us, whether they know any of the scantest of details about the glory, joy & importance of the Incarnation, still acknowledge & celebrate “Christmas.”

My new Sikh neighbour celebrates “Christmas.” I got a “Merry Christmas” today from someone in a shop that I’m pretty sure is a raw pagan…and I think she’s as close to the opposite of Christian as one can get. Nice lady, friendly as all get-out, but the upside down cross earrings & skull tattoos make me wonder.

I guess what I’m getting at is…this is the perfect time to invite someone to worship with you. They know the language of Christmas & likely even the carols. What they don’t know is Jesus…and that’s where we step in. An invitation to celebrate Christmas…at its best & most real. Nothing fancy or frilly or faked up…just the truth that gives birth to the joy of the season. All we have to offer is Jesus…and for our salvation he came here to be with us, to suffer as one of us, to die instead of us, & rise for us. AND to live inside of us until we are fully remade in his image.



  • Christmas Eve – Saturday, 24th December – 7 p.m.
  • Christmas Day – Sunday, 25th December – 9 a.m.


But before that…

  • Zoom Bible Study Catch-up (the last one of 2022…but we’ll restart around the beginning of February)

Friday – December 23rd @ 1:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83502801646  — Meeting ID: 835 0280 1646



  • Have you…chosen a devotional AND in-depth Bible reading plan for 2023 yet? If not…please have a conversation with Leonie this weekend…she’s always got a few ideas up her sleeve.
  • Have you…got an LTG in place and regularly scheduled for 2023 yet? If not…I NEED ONE & you can also talk to Phil about some options. I prefer to meet during the day, but can adjust as needed.


I read the book of Jonah Sunday morning. An amazing book & with just a few chapters it’s a quick read. This time through…Jonah 2:8-9 caught my attention:

“Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies.

But I will offer sacrifices to you with songs of praise, and I will fulfil all my vows.

    For my salvation comes from the Lord alone.”

At this point in the story…Jonah’s in the belly of the “whale,” but from there he worships and confesses God’s sovereignty AND his ultimate trust in God alone.

That’s awesome in itself…but a word began to stir in my heart…If Luther was right, and he was, the root of every false god is the idea that I know better than God himself. I know better how to run the universe. I know better what I should do with my life. I know better how relationships work. I know better about money, about sex, about healing from trauma & tragedy, about how my time & my family are to be organized. I know better about the purpose of my existence…and on and on. Which is to say, the fakest of all false gods is the god I make of me…and to serve that false god is to deny my self access to all the mercies God would pour out on me. I can’t receive if I’ve already decided God has nothing to give.

So…I’m with Jonah; My salvation comes from the Lord alone!

I’m open to the blessings God will give…in whatever form they come. And the greatest blessing, His one and only Son, we get the opportunity to receive him again this weekend!

How’s that for mercy?!


I hope to see y’all Friday, Saturday & Sunday!

Blessed Christmas to each of you,



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