
Happy Tuesday again y’all! FIRST! You know the drill… Bible Study Catch-up Thursday, July 2, 2020 10:30 AM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89226064043 Meeting ID: 892 2606 4043 SECOND! I think we’ve found a workable way to be online & not have to deal with the empty echo box…and it feels more intimate...

Happy Tuesday again y’all! Well…we may have hit the Winter Solstice over the weekend…but we’ve still got plenty of Winter going on! What a blessing that is! Rain! And then some more and now some wonderful cooler weather. I really don’t miss the 40s of last Summer. Alright…let’s...

Blessed Friday y’all! As we move into the weekend…here’s what we need for worship Sunday. Link to the service - https://youtu.be/2ytUMnFpjnE Service Order & Growing Praise Also…I’ve been reading in Nehemiah…He is sent back to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon by God with the King’s blessing to...

Blessed Tuesday y’all! I’m feeling particularly blessed since our new heater is getting installed today! The old one decided to retire itself on the Queen’s Birthday. The Queen’s still going. The old heater…not any more. So…Ruth chapter 1 this week. Especially pay attention to the names. We know...

Happy Friday everyone! I trust you’ve enjoyed the cooler weather & maybe our prayers for some more rain will be answered this weekend. Speaking of this weekend…here’s the link to worship on-line this Sunday. Hopefully I won’t be sending out too many more of these. The Steering...

Well…I hope you enjoyed your long weekend and maybe even managed to get out and do something fun. We did! And what a great day as a follow-up! Now to get us set for this week. Bible Study Catch-up Thursday Jun 11, 2020 10:30 AM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87625595194 Meeting...

Happy Friday y’all! And thank you Lord for the rain this week & the magnificent weather! I hope you’re able to be out in it. Sunday’s coming…not our last one on line…but I can see the finish line from here. Here’s the link for Sunday morning.  https://youtu.be/Q8e71-mT9hg The Growing Praise...

Welcome to Pentecost! Like so much in the church’s life…it’s a season not a single day…a way of life not a moment in time. Let’s talk about that too this Thursday. Lots on the agenda this week… FIRST: Bible study Catch-up on Acts 2 & a sneak...