Let’s Zoom this week!

Let’s Zoom this week!

Well…I hope you enjoyed your long weekend and maybe even managed to get out and do something fun.
We did! And what a great day as a follow-up!

Now to get us set for this week.

Bible Study Catch-up
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
10:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 2559 5194

We’ll be looking at the last part of the Pentecost sermon from Peter, Acts 2:36-47…and whatever else we might choose to chase down!

Also…we are “this close” to being back together.
The Guide Hall fits about 35 or so under the current guideline…so we’ll wait until the limits & the building allow 50.
Then, we’re in!
Meanwhile, continue to pray for those who are working overtime to get our worship on-line!

Speaking of which…This week the Guide Hall is going to be used again by more than us.
So the “set-up/take-down” of the worship gear has returned as a weekly thing. The Steering Team will be fielding a team each week to handle that essential packing & unpacking work so that we remain good neighbours in our building to all the other users. If someone asks you to help…please say “Yes.”

We’re also working on strategies to make our move back together as safe for all as possible.
Hand Sanitizer at the door.
Paper towels at the sinks.
Name, date, phone number sign-in sheet. I’m told this helps with contact tracing should anyone fall ill.
Individual cup communion and no morning tea yet…although if the café we ate lunch in yesterday is any indicator of compliance…we’re not going to have any issues.
A reasonable way to disinfect as we leave. We’ll be confirming with the Guides what they’re expecting and if that’s reasonable.

I know we are capable responsible folks…So…
Unwell? Please stay home & get better!
Afraid of being infected? Please wear a mask or watch on-line if we can still do that effectively & I will visit personally for communion.
Almost every other facet of our community is back up and running…we need to be too. We are at greater risk with 500-1000+ strangers at the shops than we are with 50 people we know in worship. Our risk profile is almost zero in Wagga Wagga. Our worship risk profile at Living Water is smaller still.

And I’ll repeat what I said Sunday…I think the greatest risk is that we fall into complacency the longer this stuff drags out & we’re not together.
For me this has become a matter of being prohibited from confessing our faith in accord with Scripture…I can allow that for a time, but we are past that being a reasonable public health issue. Any longer & we’re just not being who we are called to be. I can’t let that happen and look Jesus in the eye.

The Steering Team is evaluating the best case scenarios for us…so June 28th? July 5th?
We’ll keep you posted…if the government cuts the chains loose sooner…then it’s sooner. Let’s keep praying!

Let’s catch –up Thursday! And I’m always available to pop in and visit. We can do that now with great safety.


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