Who left the door open?

Who left the door open?

Happy Wednesday y’all!

When we lived in South Texas, every now & then we’d get one of these blustery stormy late-season cold snaps & the running joke was, “Who left the doors open in Dalhart?”

Why was that funny? Well…Dalhart, Texas is one of the farthest north-eastern cities in the Texas panhandle, and often one of the coldest cities too because of its higher elevation, flatter geography, & northern proximity to where cold weather comes from if you live in Texas. So if someone left the “doors open in Dalhart” it’s the equivalent of leaving the freezer door open & all the cold air gets loose. I’ve been thinking about that these last few days as we cranked the heater back up & pulled the sweaters back on…I’m wondering who left the doors open at the Mawson Station on Antarctica?

We’re all set for our regularly scheduled…

Zoom Bible Study Catch-Up — Friday – 4th November @ 1:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting (click that link there →) —  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88022194499  —  Meeting ID: 880 2219 4499   I’ll let you in when the waiting room attendant tells me you’re there.


Saturday, 5th November is our Prayer Morning @ 10:00 a.m. @ the Guide Hall. There’s one more scheduled for December too. These are excellent small group prayer times that allow for great reflection, deep listening to the Father & honest heartfelt prayer. If this is the first one you make this year, you will not be disappointed…an excellent hour!


Sunday, 6th November is another wonderfully jam-packed Sunday. Giving Beyond Ourselves for Red Frogs (the ministry of care & food for schoolies attenders) AND Morning Tea!


Also…please note that Friday, 11th November is the 315th day of the year. That means there’s 50 days left in the year.

So…I encourage you to finish this year by reading through the Living From the Promise bookmark I gave you earlier this year. If you did that already…do it again.

There are 50 promises there. One for each remaining day of 2022. These are God’s specific promises to his people…to you. When the world around us wants to turn to dark and gloomy predictions & pronouncements…We turn to the promises answered “Yes” in Jesus Christ. Keep doing whatever other devotional reading you are doing, but please add these verses…one a day for 50 days. Finish the year with God’s promises.


Speaking of promises…I’m up to Jeremiah in the Old Testament part of my reading through the Bible. Most of Jeremiah’s ministry was to announce God’s coming punishment & judgment against his people. They would be overthrown by Babylon & the Babylonian armies would not only kill & destroy, they would take God’s people into captivity for 70 years. It is unavoidable & it breaks Jeremiah’s heart to utter such prophecies. BUT…God also declares his eternal commitment to his chosen beloved people. And a couple of those promises hit me this week…

Jer 31:2 – “Those who survive the coming destruction will find blessings even in the barren land, for I will give rest to the people of Israel.”

Jer 33:9B – “The people of the world will see all the good I do for my people and they will tremble with awe at the peace and prosperity I provide for them.”

Destruction is coming, but even in the midst of that there will be blessings for those who trust in God’s provision & presence AND there will be a restoration that overthrows the ruin to replace it with abundance. God’s people are assured he will see to their flourishing in all circumstances because of his great love. Watching the nightly news can often be one frightful story after another. I talk to folks every day who are wary, worried & waiting for the other show to fall. That’s not our role in this world because we are given great & precious promises & live in the arms of a risen Saviour. Not even death shakes us free from God’s grasp or makes his promises null or void. Trust that this week…and re-anchor your life in those promises starting the 11th.


See you Sunday if the wind doesn’t blow me out to sea first!


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