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Hi Everybody

Before we get into the weekend just a couple of quick reminders…

  1. Today’s Zoom Bible Study can still be accessed through the link here or on the website down in the Fresh Water blog segment.

Bible Study Catch-Up – Friday – 19 August 2022 – 1:00 PM –  Join Zoom Meeting – click the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88022194499 — Meeting ID: 880 2219 4499


  1. Sunday is a Morning Tea 3rd Sunday – There is no greater fellowship than that of God’s people. Please come prepared to hang around for a while with your family in Christ.


That’s that…but before I hit “send”…I subscribe to a few on-line Bible Studies & devotional resources. I need someone to fill my tank too.

Scotty Smith is one of those pastors whose insights & faithfulness I appreciate. He’s a pastor just south of Nashville, Tennessee & is a writer for the Gospel Coalition.

Today’s devotion was so good I need to share part of it…  Be blessed like I am being by this…

We Cannot Over-Believe This

“Your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.” Luke 12-30-32


“We have a Father who loves more than we can possibly imagine. We are his children because of Christ’s work on our behalf. Our Father knows what we need, and what we think we need, but really don’t. He is generous and wise way beyond our comprehension. To seek Abba’s Kingdom above all else is to surrender to our heavenly citizenship above all other alliances, fiefdoms, and claims. It also means we don’t make Christ “lord of anything.” Rather, we recognize that Christ already is King of kings and Lord of lords—and we seek to live and love accordingly.

Jesus, spoke the next words for every generation of your “lambs,” including us. “Don’t be afraid little flock.” Hallelujah, we are His “little flock,” which means He is our Good Shepherd. He laid down His life for us—conquering sin, death, and all evil, and was raised to make all things new. Glory! This is precisely why we don’t have to live in fear. Christ knows our “smallness” and the greatness of our Father’s great joy in giving us the Kingdom. Christ also knows the Day he has set for His return—when the Kingdom will come in fullness. He is also working in all things for our good, right now. Thank you, and So Very Amen.”



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