It’s never too late…

It’s never too late…

It’s never too late to remind you of some incredible opportunities on the Living Water horizon…

Opportunity #1 – Our regularly scheduled…

Zoom Bible Study Catch-up

Friday – 26th May 2023 @ 1:00 PM – 1 Peter 4 & 5 from Sunday

Join Zoom Meeting  —  —  Meeting ID: 835 8678 2734


Opportunity #2 –

Saturday Prayer Time

27th May – 10-11 a.m. @ 17 Overdale Dr…Phil & Sandra’s home. We’ll be focusing on the task of reconciliation in the wider context of our first nations brothers & sisters and on our upcoming June Giving Beyond Ourselves emphasis: the Cancer Council & the work it does with those being treated for cancer.


Opportunity #3 –

Sunday is the celebration of Pentecost! The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the church as promised by Jesus. Pentecost is often called the church’s birthday so we always try to celebrate the day by wearing red. So wear red if you can. I’ll try to remember.


Opportunity #4 – a couple of reminders here…

Over June, July, & August we’ll be using the book of Exodus as our basis for the preaching & teaching in worship. As part of this series, the Worship Team would like to incorporate stories from Living Water’s Senior Saints in worship…now and again, in place of a “Children’s Message,” we want to include some “Stories of Promise” from some of you. We believe our generations have much to learn from one another. It’d be something like a one-on-one interview where a volunteer Senior Saint would answer a couple of “starter” questions like (What’s one promise of God you’ve seen fulfilled in your lifetime? What a promise of God you’d like to see fulfilled before this life ends for you?) and then one or two specific questions related to that day’s theme. We’d always give you the questions in advance so you have time to pray about your answers…and maybe even practice with the “interviewer” for that day. So…you’re invited. Talk to Philippa or me over the next week or two & we’ll start working out the details.

The only requirements…well…you need to be willing to have some fun with this as you share how God’s promises are being kept in your life…AND…well…you need to be older than me by a bit. We’re really wanting our Senior Saints to have a chance to share & declare God’s faithfulness in their lives over time…Psalm 37:25 (NLT) “Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread.”


Opportunity #5 –

June GBO – Sunday 4th June is our Biggest Morning Tea where as I noted earlier, our emphasis for our Giving Beyond Ourselves is the Cancer Council. This is usually our largest GBO of the year. It’s also our most wonderfully tasty morning tea. I’m asking God for BIG things!


Opportunity #6 – this one’s really big!

Living Water’s 10th Birthday…Sunday June 25th. God’s incredible goodness & persistent grace is the focus that morning as well as some important planning & praying toward the next 10 years. Don’t miss it; and if you’ve got some ideas about the 20th birthday & what can happen between now & then…let’s talk about it.


I’ve been thinking about this some…from a few different directions & it just keeps showing up in the Bible…so I’ve got to pay attention. Let’s call this…Sometimes you need to say “No.”

Now none of us like to hear “no.”

As a parent, I know saying “no” to my children is often met with great resistance. We understand that. When I pray for something to come to pass, & I get a “no” from God to that particular request I feel a certain frustration too. When I know that a particular desire or inclination in me needs to hear a firm “no” because God calls me to a more faithful obedient course & away from my want wish or wilfulness…as hard as it often is I know that “no” is for the best.

So we get it… “no” is at times the right answer or word for a specific situation. As much as the Father desires our delight, sometimes it is essential to frustrate that in us which is fully self-centered or not according to his purpose or plan for us. We need a good “no.”

I’m reading 1 Corinthians at the moment. They were a church that struggled to hear “no” faithfully & obediently. Their arguments sound a lot like mine do some days. Here’s part of the conversation in chapter 10… 1 Cor 10:23 Paul writes: “You say, ‘Everything is permissible’ — but not everything is good for you. You say, ‘Everything is permissible’ — but not everything is beneficial. (not everything builds up or is constructive)

The Corinthians seized upon the idea of freedom in Christ too enthusiastically. Their giftedness & flourishing as a group of disciples had gone to their heads. There were things going on among them that simply had no place in a family of Christ-followers…and Paul delivered the necessary “no.” More than once he made it clear that certain behaviours were not to be found among the people living under the cross of Jesus Christ. It is hard to see someone you love, with whom you’ve shared part of your faith journey, go off the track. But it is harder still to avoid saying “no” when that “no” might be the difference between life & death.

I often hear someone excuse not saying “no” because they don’t want to be seen as “unloving.” Let’s be clear…it is neither loving nor good to avoid telling someone the truth according to God’s word. It is not loving to unhesitatingly accept unChristlike behaviour from someone without raising the Biblical alternative. It is best, as Paul counsels the Ephesians to “speak the truth in love growing in every way more & more like Christ.” (Eph 4:15) We can continue to love & remain in relationship with someone with whom we vigourously disagree on certain matters of life, lifestyle & faith and simultaneously say “no, I can’t endorse that or go along there.” Sometimes we need a good “no,” & sometimes it’s up to someone in the body of Christ to say it.


May you hear & speak God’s “yes” in Christ & his “no” from the Holy Spirit in the appropriate times & measures this week.



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