Hit & Run

Hit & Run

Hi y’all!

This is going to be pretty brief this week…there’s lots on the burners…so let’s get stuck in…

First…as you heard Sunday, our sister in Christ Gwen Wales died Saturday morning. Her struggles in this life have ended as she enters the struggle-free joy of eternity with Jesus. Now we have to continue Christ’s work in this world with our fellowship less full. In the meantime, we get to thank God for Gwen in worship & trust her one final time into Christ’s sure hands on Friday, 17th November @ 1:00 p.m. at the St Paul’s Anglican Church in Turvey Park. They once again have generously opened their sanctuary to us. I praise God for the various congregations who are unselfish with their worship facilities for folks like us.


Between now and then…keep praying for Gwen’s extended family, especially those who will be travelling here over the next fortnight for the service. There will be more details in worship Sunday.

Also…please join us for our regularly scheduled

Zoom Bible Study Catch-up  —  Friday, 10th November 2023 @ 1:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting  —  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83586782734  —  Meeting ID: 835 8678 2734


Thank you! You were wonderfully generous Sunday as we gathered over $500 (I forget the exact $$ amount) for the Red Frogs ministry to school leavers. That makes a ton of pancakes, helps host myriad safe alcohol-free activities, and provides volunteers with the resources needed to look after those whose choices might put them in harm’s way.


We’ll have some special guests in worship on the 19th of November. A young couple putting their current vocations on hold as they test God’s call to a more permanent ministry role will be with us. You’ll recognize them once you see them. And…if you’re curious, they’ll be around after worship for a bit to chat & pray.


As we move toward the Christmas season…please keep praying for our worship leading servants. Musicians & singers are thin on the ground in congregations all over the place, & we are no different. So pray with thanksgiving for the hard work our musical teams offer & pray for another two or ten to offer their servant hearts hands & voices to the tasks.


My Read-through-the-Bible plan this year has had some interesting twists & turns & at the moment I’m reading the “parallel narratives” in the gospels. That’s where each gospel writer re-tells the “same” event from their unique Spirit-inspired viewpoint. When you read the narratives side-by-side like that you can see the individual character of each author fairly clearly, and get a glimpse into the “why & to whom” they write. For instance, both Mark & Matthew recount the clash between Jesus & the Sadducees (who don’t believe in the resurrection) through their hypothetical question of one poor woman being shopped around to 7 brothers who all have the bad fortune to die without begetting any children through her. Of course the question, “In the resurrection, whose wife will she be for she had 7 husbands?” Quite frankly, I’ve always figured she deserved a husband free eternity after all that other foolishness of trying to raise sons for your deceased husband…but I appreciate the limits of my understanding.


Anyway…Jesus’ answer is stunning: Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God.”

And there you have it…How many human calamities, catastrophes, & chaos result from that perfect storm of ignorance & pride? How much trouble do we unleash in our lives by not fully taking on board God’s word OR by simultaneously thinking God’s power is small & ours is great? And let’s turn that to the positive: How much of God’s power could be unleashed in our lives by simply knowing & trusting God’s word? If you ever wondered why I start my day (a good chunk of my day) reading the Bible & encourage others to do likewise…I’m trying to avoid the Sadducees’ error in my own life. I don’t know of any other way.


Praying you’ve had time with God’s word today as well!


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