Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!

Welcome to a wet weekend!

As I sit at my computer this morning the weather services are saying we’ve enjoyed almost 7mls of rain since late last night when it arrived in full force.   It sounds like more, but eventually I’ll check my rain gauges (yes I have 2) & know for sure at least for my garden’s purposes. (a brief lull…and the weather station now says…8.4. I knew it sounded like more than 7)

The weather may put a crimp in our Father’s Day plans around here; more so than they were already crimped by the current SARS-Covid-2 restrictions. This too shall pass. What does not “pass” is God’s desire to breathe life into each of us so that we can be instruments of his life-giving love to the world around us in whatever way possible. So…we’re together again around our computers. Here’s how that’ll be accessible for you:

Here’s the video link for this week:

I’m still not sure if recording the music along with the message is the best option for us with my limited capacity for recording it all together. That’s a skill limit as well as an equipment limit that we’re dealing with. But you can fast-forward through the music pieces if you prefer & access them separately:

BEHOLD OUR GOD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx9-0v9m2Sg

RECKLESS LOVE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GGJ8cyYNzQ

DWELL IN YOUR HOUSE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHHUxsLy9Ig

Let me also encourage you to spend some time working through the Discussion and Devotional resources at our website:



and you can always read the sermon…see if you can do it with an American accent!


During our Zoom catch-up Friday, we all noted that contact with one another was essential. It’s really one of the crucial insights from Nehemiah, that life together as a community of followers of Jesus is essential. We don’t do well in faith or life separated from other people & especially from other disciples. There’s a reason Jesus sent them out 2-by-2 & Paul wrote extensively about our responsibility to “one another.” So keep praying that our leaders restore our freedom to be together…to worship in the way we are commanded: with singing and great joy in our fellowship…and that the world sees in us, the church, life hope love joy & peace undaunted by fear or threat or disaster or death.


I do pray that your Father’s Day is richly blessed…and there are phone calls or computer link-ups that happen even if family gatherings can’t.

Let this settle into your heart too over the next few days:

You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked,

for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.

                                                                                                                          Proverbs 3:25-26

God grant you that assured boldness.


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