
Good morning everyone! It’s a veritable heat wave this morning…stayed above freezing long enough for me to get sweaty on my morning bicycle ride. I was pretty impressed with the frozen mud puddle Sunday morning in the Hall parking lot…but doubly impressed that I didn’t have...

Yes…this week I’ll get this to you & on the website according to the proper schedule. Apologies for the delay last week… So…what’s up in the schedule for us now that we’ve had a pretty decent day to celebrate a birthday that isn’t ours…Looks busy from...

Happy Birthday? Yes…there were 2 upcoming birthdays I meant to mention Sunday & simply blew right past them in my notes… Paul’s birthday is tomorrow (Wednesday) and Brenna’s is this coming Sunday. So if you see them somewhere along the way, or have a minute to send...

Welcome to a beautiful Tuesday y’all! These frosty mornings really get the heart pumping first thing! Before I get into the usual list of events…a story or two… When I was in High School, I had a friend who set herself the task of learning a new word...

Happy Tuesday night everyone! (or Wednesday morning if you don’t see this until then) We are well & truly back from our trip overseas & absolutely delighted to find most things in as good or better shape than when we left. Huge “Thank You!” to everyone who...

…because I have found my lost…wallet! Ok…I know that’s not the direct quote from Luke 15: 6 or 9…but it’s how I feel anyway! I mentioned in worship that I had misplaced my wallet sometime Saturday night…not a happy thought just days before we head off...

Happy Friday y’all…or Saturday morning if that’s when you check your emails… I’m loving the rain & I’m sure a few farmers & ranchers are too, but this nice extended wet cycle forces us to hit the “Pause” button on the Picnic. As much as I would...