Author: John Guilfoyle

I shared with some friends in the US yesterday that I could assure them (from a couple of time zones ahead of them) that Jesus is still risen! It is that assurance we carry with us every day. We are sure of this because Christ was...

Today is Maundy Thursday…the first of what the church calls “The Great Three Days.” Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter are the pivotal days in the life of the church and a climax of the Creation, Redemption, Completion trajectory of human history under the Sovereignty of...

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday! That’s the official beginning of Holy Week & the end of the Lenten season. We move into not just a new season of the church year, but a new cycle of worship and teaching themes. CrossRoad Choices… Which way do we go?...

Good evening everyone! Or good morning if you don’t see this until Wednesday.   First…I have been feeling very thankful for our amazing volunteers who make the life of Living Water Fellowship so vibrant. I thank God every week for our worship leaders & musicians & all the...

Hi everyone! As I type these words…we’re 24 hours from Ash Wednesday Worship @ 7:00 p.m. in the Guide Hall. (22nd February) It’s been interesting listening to various media personalities try to explain the significance of “Pancake Tuesday” and Ash Wednesday. Properly named “Shrove Tuesday” or in some...

Happy Thursday y’all! Yes…I know I said on Sunday that this would circulate by Tuesday or Wednesday…well…it’s been one of those weeks! So let’s get stuck into it! Zoom Bible Study Catch-up - Friday, February 17, 2023 @ 1:00 PM  Join Zoom Meeting  --  --  Meeting ID:...

Yes…Oops! I messed up & am feeling pretty rotten about that…so I’ll correct my mistake here & trust your forgiveness. So…what’d I do? Being relatively new to Australian Christian History (and Australian History in general) I knew National Christian Heritage Sunday was coming…I had only just...