Author: John Guilfoyle

I trust you remembered when you got out of bed this morning that the Easter announcement is still true! He is Risen! He is risen indeed! I’m going to do all I can to help you remember that over these next few weeks in the season of...

Tuesday in Holy Week…I wonder… The palms were likely still lying in the streets…trampled, dried & crumbling into the dust. The cloaks gathered & dusted off to be worn again as needed. Judas must have wondered when the “big reveal” was going to happen…and if it wasn’t...

What a joy in the midst of all that wind and seemingly unrelenting late summer heat to have a good 20mm of rain last night! God is good at just the right time. And what an almost chilly start to today!   Speaking of God’s goodness…Holy Week is...

Happy Tuesday everyone! I do hope you’ve got your “Oh Look! It’s Summer.” plan in place. I get a case of the giggles listening to the scaremongering weather-folks out of Sydney telling me how catastrophically hot it’s going to be. They should come work in my garden...

I was reflecting on a poem my primary school teachers made us memorize…Who has seen the wind? By Christina Rosetti Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through. Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I: But when the...

13 February 2024 Happy Shrove Tuesday! Yes indeed, Lent’s fascinating 40 days begins tomorrow, so today is Shrove Tuesday…a day of preparation leading into our Lenten preparations for Easter. Historically Shrove Tuesday in particular, and Lent in general, was a time of austerity…self-denial in strict forms. Many...

What a wonderful sound to hear throughout today! The sound of rain! I’m loving the freedom from watering my grass or the veggie garden…and I’m reveling in the on-going fulfillment of God nurturing the earth & making things flourish. The weeks ahead are quite full & flourishing...

Welcome to the week y’all! Let’s see if I can remember how to do all this…it’s been a while. Huge Thank You to everyone who came out to our Barefoot Bowling evening last Friday. What a beautiful night to be laughing over our ineptitude on the bowling...