I just checked…

I just checked…

…and he is STILL Risen!

Blessed Easter Monday to you all!

Well…we’re learning about this online worship business and it’s hard. I’m praying God puts us back in the Guide Hall together SOON!

BUT…let me say with great enthusiasm how thankful I am for the massive amounts of work so many people are putting in to help us continue to proclaim the good news in spite of all the obstacles. Getting worship live and to the internet is just tough to do & I am deeply appreciative of everyone who’s up to their armpits in this with us & all the helpful feedback & prayers…Thank you!

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Easter Sunday…Thank you one and all for your leadership, prayers, and diligent faithful effort. We are planning to go again live from the Guide Hall this coming week and all things being equal & the internet staying connected…we’ll be live again at our usual time of 10:00 a.m. The link will be on the website by Saturday.

I was also quite buoyed by the faith-community-based experience from Wagga Baptist Sunday. It was surreal seeing their sanctuary transformed into a “TV studio” and even with days & days of pre-recording & pre-editing & pre-mixing & fixing…when we went live it didn’t all come off without a hitch…Live broadcasting is just tough and I thank God for the faithful folks who make that happen. We’re working on a community wide day of prayer & fasting & I’ve recommended we do a combined churches celebration when we finally are allowed to gather as a community again…We’ll see.

A couple of things:
1. I’m going to set up a group Zoom later this week. A Bible Study based on the Easter narratives…It’ll appear on the website once I have a picture of this week in my head.
2. Leonie still has 2 “5 Things to Pray for your City” books…if you’re wondering about what to do with your time in “quarantine,” this might help with some structure and specificity to your praying. Free to a good home…or work through them & pass them around…spray ‘em with Glen-20 first? 😉

Oh…before I end this…I was reading Acts 15 this morning…Paul, Barnabas & Peter are trying to keep the Gentiles & later converts to faith in Christ from being burdened by the Jewish Law…They reach into the prophets (here it’s Amos & Isaiah) to explain their point…and again demonstrate that Jesus is proclaimed throughout the entirety of Scripture:
“I will return and restore the fallen house of David. I will rebuild its ruins and restore it,
so that the rest of humanity might seek the Lord, including the Gentiles—all those I have called to be mine.
The Lord has spoken—he who made these things known so long ago.’”

But what hit me right in the heart…there again…is a promise of restoration & rebuilding & recreation & renewal SO THAT those who are not yet part of the family of Christ can be drawn in. We need to be ready…When the Father ends this season of contagion, for there to be an ingathering…a veritable harvest ready to gather. I know what I’m praying and preparing for. Let’s be ready!

God bless you one and all!


PS…Please stay tuned to our website for updates especially as we get closer to Sunday!

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