Don’t be afraid!

Don’t be afraid!

If you thought you heard that headline enough on Sunday…wait ‘til the end of this quick weekly update!

I hope your week has begun well. I’m feeling pretty blessed as I was able to take a short ride on my bicycle again this morning in the beautiful sunshine that God gave us today. Not a long ride mind you, but even around the block is a sign that my health is moving toward a fullness that I recognize. So…prayers are still being answered.

I’m still not able to stand up for long periods of time or walk long distances, but I’m feeling assured those will come in due course.


This week…I’m staying out of the Medicare Office on Friday, so I won’t get stuck there waiting…and I will be on line for the

Zoom Bible Study Catch-up

Friday, 1 September 2023 @ 1:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting  —  —  Meeting ID: 835 8678 2734


Sunday, 3 September is a BIG DAY… How big you ask?

  1. Giving Beyond Ourselves for the Australian Federation of Evangelical Students (AFES) ministry on our CSU Campus. This is how we support Kate Lieschke, Mark Woodhouse & Elise Bollinger in their work sharing the gospel & making disciples among the students & staff at CSU. We’re blessed to partner with them. They’ve had a fairly significant impact over the years in the lives of young men & women in ways we can only imagine. So…we know what to do to be generous!
  2. Morning Tea! We know what to do here too…share generously in a way that blesses our bodies & enjoy the soul blessing conversations after worship.
  3. Look for visitors to greet & share the morning with. We’ve been very blessed over the last month to have some drop-in guests among us. Many thanks to everyone who has taken some time to “meet & greet” them in genuine warmth & compassion. Whether they return or not is God’s to decide…our role is to make sure we “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!”


It’s been some time since we rolled the calendar over on our 10th Anniversary…but there have been a good number of significant conversations about the new decade before us since then. To my delight, the biggest question has not been, “Are we still going to be here in 10 more years?” The most commonly asked questions are around “What are we going to do with ourselves between now & when God calls time?”


I’ve been answering that question 3 ways.

  • First we “Widen the net” – Which means we seek to build more relationships with Christians around us to gather God’s harvest in partnership with other gospel co-workers. AFES is but one. Our GBO to the new Indigenous Mission in Western Australia last month is another. We also want to strengthen our connection & service through CrossLink Christian Network. That’s the Australia-based network of churches & ministries to whom we are connected.
  • Second we “Renew our minds and our mindsets” – Paul tells us in Romans 12:1-2 that the more we submit our lives (lock stock & barrel) to God & allow him to direct the patterns of our lives (instead of simply copying the habits & thought-patterns of the culture around us) the more renewed we become & the more in tune with God’s will in this world we become.

At the same time – it is important that we remember to think about our fellow churches in this town not as competitors for members but as part of the Kingdom of Christ that we all serve. A long time ago a pastor I met just once wisely counselled, “All the boats in the harbour rise on the same tide.” He encouraged us to pray for the Holy Spirit to energize every ministry in the city especially the ministries that were struggling or seemed to have gone off course from the Bible’s wisdom.

Finally we remember – our primary purpose is to see all of Wagga Wagga welcomed into the Father’s eternal glory. We are not here to make Living Water Fellowship the biggest congregation in town. If the Holy Spirit is energizing you & me, we’ll see lives brought to faith among us just as surely as we’ll see that in other faithful churches. Our goal is the city in which we have been planted by God.

  • Thirdly we “Finish well” – If my course on earth ends tomorrow…what legacy will I leave behind? That’s not a question of “Who or how much is in my will?” but a question of how I am investing the days & resources God gives me for his purpose & will. I ask myself regularly, “Whose life is enriched, or drawn closer to Christ, because of how I live from this point forward?” Athletes often talk about “leaving it all on the field.” They mean they want to give themselves fully to the required tasks of the game & not take any strength or energy back to the training room after the final siren sounds. What is still left to be done in your life? Who do you need to forgive? To whom do you need to apologize? What gift have you always wanted to make but have not yet? Who have you always wanted to tell about Jesus, but just have not?


Thank you for being so faithful in this journey we’ve travelled together. I’m excited to see the next decade unfold before us as we live into whatever God holds in store. Join me too, as you have so often before, in walking this simple three-fold path. And as always…let’s talk about it & see if we can’t find even more toward which God is calling us. His supplies of strength are limitless and his boundless love makes all things possible!


Oh…that “Don’t be afraid” bit from up above…I was reading Mark 6 yesterday…you can grab your Bible & have a quick read if you want…Jesus feeds the 5000 & then sends the 12 across the Sea of Galilee while he disperses the crowd & goes up into the hills to pray. Big storm hits the boat & Jesus walks on water out to them. They think he’s a ghost & the boat suddenly has more water in it.

Mark 6:50…Jesus calls out to them “Don’t be afraid! Take courage! I am here.”

And there it is again…The call to dispense with fear, allow the presence of Christ to bring courage, & then move forward to the destiny to which Christ directs.


It never changes…so Be strong. Be courageous. Don’t let fear get the best of you. God is with you.



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