1 February 2022

1 February 2022

Good Morning Y’all!

Let’s get this party started!


ZOOM Bible Study Catch-up RETURNS!

Friday – 4th February – 1:00 p.m.

We’ll review last Sunday’s texts & maybe get a preview of what’s ahead.

But more than anything…we’ll touch base with each other & see how we’re all handling this new year.

Here’s the link…click it & you’re almost there.

Zoom has added the security feature of a mandatory waiting room. Don’t worry, I’ll let you in!


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 838 9738 0937


A thought as we go into this week

Sometimes my daily Bible reading takes me to very different parts of the Bible, but the Spirit makes a connection.

So…Genesis 41:31 – Joseph is warning Pharaoh about the coming 7 good years of plenty & 7 bad years of famine…severe famine.

Here’s what Joseph says about the bad years: This famine will be so severe that even the memory of the good years will be erased.

I understand that…when life hits the rocks & times get hard it is easy to forget that there was ever a good year. Our tears sometimes hinder our memories of better times. We think solely of what we’ve lost & that’s as far as our hearts or minds go…to the loss.



Mark 4:41 – Jesus has just stilled a storm on the Sea of Galilee after the disciples woke him up with their frightened shouting.

Jesus apparently goes back to sleep leaving the 12 to wonder: “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!”

In this circumstance, it’s their safety that clouds their “memory.” It wasn’t long before this moment that Jesus was healing the sick & casting demons out of people left, right & centre…and now they can’t imagine him possessing abundant rescuing power. They seem to have “forgotten” just who is in the boat with them.

This is similar to the warning Moses issues (Deut 8:11-18) to God’s people when they crossed into the promised land that in their new-found prosperity & blessing they need to remember all of that is from God & not by their own strength wisdom or skill.

So…How’s your memory? Are you recalling the hand of God working in your life in feast and famine? Are you dwelling on the recollection of God’s intervention when life was out of control? Are you thanking the Father for his gift of forgiveness, life & salvation in Jesus that is yours without condition or stipulation? Are you living the full awareness that without the work of Christ in your life your destiny is the grave & only the grave?

Are you sharing those memories with someone else today?


Be richly strengthened in Christ!


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