Maundy Thursday worship tonight

Maundy Thursday worship tonight

Dear friends & Co-workers in the gospel of Jesus Christ…
You and your family (& any friends you can sneak through the quarantine) are invited to join your Living Water family for worship at our on-line well tomorrow night, 9th April, Maundy Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

This link: should get you to a group Zoom experience.

When you are welcomed into the Zoom group, your microphone will be muted so as to cut down on the possibility of feedback and extra noise reverberations. Since this is our first ever worship opportunity like this, it may stay muted…this isn’t to silence you, but to make sure everyone hears the various parts of the service.

When the Zoom group fills with worshippers, it may be necessary for you to reduce the video images of the other participants. Too many faces on your screen may hinder your ability to see the words for the Scriptures & the songs. A small (-) sign should be visible near the images of other participants & if you click that our faces will go away, and you will be able to more easily see the words on the screen.

There will be opportunities for you to sing along. The words will appear on your screen like they do on Sundays and Josh & Philippa Prenzler will serve by leading from their music room.
Attached to this email is a service order for you to print & follow along…or simply read along as things appear on your screen.
During worship, I will be leading the communion part of the service, so if you have bread and wine (or other appropriate elements) in your house, you may celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a family. I encourage you to do so.

Also: Please check our website, for more details regarding Good Friday and Easter Sunday. At the moment, Good Friday looks like it will be similar in form to the last 2 Sundays, but Easter will be an attempt at going live…livestreaming from the Tait household from 8:30 a.m. This service will last about half an hour.

There will also be a 10:00 a.m. Easter morning community service livestreamed from the Wagga Baptist Church. More details will follow by Saturday…so please keep checking our website and your emails.

“This is the message of Good News for the people of Israel—that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all…He is the one all the prophets testified about, saying that everyone who believes in him will have their sins forgiven through his name.” – Acts 10:36 & 43
Peace be with you
Pastor John

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