I’ll say it again…Thank You!

I’ll say it again…Thank You!

I know I said it last week…but it’s true yet again! Thank you!

Why am I feeling thankful again at this moment? Let me just list a few reasons…

  1. Liz has just sent out the roster availability request for the next 3 months and almost instantly folks are responding with their willingness to serve in various capacities in worship through what is usually our busiest time of the year and the season when many of us are away visiting family or just taking a holiday. So…shorthanded and more to do, but there are the responses  “I’m available” “plug me in anywhere” “I can do this set of Sundays”…So many willing servants! Of course there’s room for more, talk to Liz. Thank you!
  2. We had a very productive AGM on Sunday…tough questions and decisions to be faced, but we did so in a Spirit-driven atmosphere of faithful family love. How many AGMs have you been to in other places where the rancour & distrust was tangible? How many times have you walked away from a discussion about church finances & felt embarrassed to be in the room, or that somehow you were failing to do something? Not at Living Water! Not on Sunday! I heard multiple voices assuring us all that the issues we face, looming as they are, will be addressed faithfully as each of us remains aware of the need and remembers it is God who has called us together as a community of Christ’s disciples to reach our city with his good news. Living Water is God’s church, but he’s trusted us to manage its ministry here so the whole city can be transformed by Christ’s death & resurrection, and turn to him to live in his grace. The question is always, “How is Christ calling me to carry my cross in the new circumstances of today?” Thank you!
  3. In every year of our 11, heading for 12, years together as Living Water, I’ve felt blessed by the diligence, prayerfulness, a faith of our Steering Team. I sense that especially now. There is so much devoted effort expended behind the scenes… I mentioned Sunday that all manner of volunteer organizations are struggling to keep up with the accountability requirements we face at every level. It is difficult to keep all the balls in the air at once, but our leaders never step back from the challenge. It’s all aimed at ensuring our work declaring Christ’s kingdom in word and deed continues. Thank you!


Over the course of the next few months there’s much in store…so start now keeping your hearts tuned in at every opportunity. Starting right here…

  1. Ladies’ Fellowship Bible Study

Thursday, 10th October 2024 @ 10:00 AM @ Eunice’s home. We’ll be looking at Psalms 73 & 78.

This is our last study for the year, next month we have our annual dinner out together! Yum!

  1. Zoom Bible Study Catch-up – Psalm 1 & Romans 12:1-2…a brief review from Sunday.

Friday, 11th October 2024  @ 1:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting  —  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83006349720  —  Meeting ID: 830 0634 9720

  1. Sunday 3rd November – Living Water Church Picnic at the Botanic Gardens immediately following worship. Think how much fun you’re going to have riding the little trains!!!!

We’ll head over immediately after worship and ride the trains & have lunch. Remember to wear closed-toe shoes. The good volunteers from the Model Train Society don’t want to have to go find a lost toe somewhere along the track. Apologies for being graphic…but they really don’t!

  1. Looking ahead to Christmas…yes I said Christmas:
  • Christmas Eve is Tuesday, 24th December – Worship will most likely be at 7:00 p.m. Ask Liz or Philippa how you can help out!
  • Christmas Day is Wednesday, 25th December – Worship will most likely be at 9:00 a.m. A few more hands here too would be great! Talk to Liz and Philippa.
  1. And I don’t know about you…but I’ve already started looking at 2025:
  • The last Sunday of 2024 is 29th December & the first Sunday of 2025 is 5th January…if you’re around between those two Sundays, I’m wondering if a few of us can get together to pray for all that God has given us in 2024 & to be ready to receive & share his gifts in 2025. I’d like us to start a pattern of praying ourselves into each new season. Talk to me and we’ll work something out.

This morning, my read-thru-the-Bible pattern led me to Isaiah 40. It’s the extended sign of hope that God grants Isaiah to proclaim to his rebellious people. It reminds them of the day when their suffering ends & God’s glorious new day among them will dawn. At the end of some of the more familiar/famous verses we read,

“Those who wait before the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles.

They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” – Is 40:31

My former worship teacher always translated this verse pretty literally from the Hebrew…what I have attempted here. His insistence was that “waiting before the Lord” was more accurate than “hope in” or “trust in” as other translations because it was a word from worship…to wait before the Lord was the expectant hope-filled silence of worshipers before the singing started, the devoted faithfulness of a people who would not excuse themselves from worship for any reason, and the joyful thankfulness of a people who offered to the God from whom all blessings flow the finest of their gifts & the fullness of their lives…they simply held nothing back because God had withheld from them no blessing needed for their lives.

I asked God this morning to make that me & to make that you…that we would wait before the Lord & then live in deep reverent obedience in all things.

Until I see you again this week…


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