It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…but we still have a bit more of Advent ahead of us!

The 4th Sunday in Advent is this week…

When Love Comes to Town…the classic BB King /U2 collaboration, but more importantly…It’s the gospel…the incarnation of God’s love for all creation made flesh in His Son Jesus.

The song describes a life transformed by love…just like we are transformed by God’s love.

When God comes to town in Jesus…love comes too…and in the love of Jesus…

  • we have peace with God
  • we are justified (put in a right relationship) to God
  • we are reconciled to God
  • are seen by God through the lens of Christ’s death & resurrection & stand holy & blameless in God’s presence
  • are prayed for by Jesus to the Father
  • are filled with the Holy Spirit
  • we have access to the Father…to ask for anything in Jesus’ Name
  • we have the hope of sharing his glory
  • we are adopted as God’s children
  • we are forgiven our sin & freed from sin’s power
  • we are given the privilege of living for the purpose of God’s glory
  • are reborn to live into the image of Jesus
  • we are commissioned into his mission…sent by Jesus as the Father sent Him.
  • we have great promises & an eternal future held for us by Jesus

and so much more…

Join us Sunday when we are ALL welcomed back to worship. We’ll be as health-conscious as we can be, but we are ALL back together.

AND we can sing without masks!

This is our last Morning Tea of 2021. We’re going BIG and we’re going CHRISTMAS-sy! Let’s make it a party!


But…before we get there…Friday, we’re Zooming one last time for 2021.

LWF Bible Study Catch-Up

 Friday, Dec 17, 2021 01:00 PM 

 Join Zoom Meeting —

Meeting ID: 894 7728 1917

Bring a friend…to the Zoom AND to worship.

Advent’s awesome…and then there’s Christmas!


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